Partner Connection: AVI BAT & CENA & yAKOV ABERGEL

Cena & Yakov Abergel


Dear “Partner” Cena,

We are really excited to introduce you to the brothers-run small business with which you were so generous in partnering up by helping to provide the tools they need to grow and thrive.  Your help leads to further prosperity, not only for their family but to the communities of Judea and Samaria as a whole. Because only through “Economic Zionism” can we affect real change on the ground.

Coming back to our land after 2000 is not only miraculous, but it is magic…what we see may seem like a mystery, but G-d’s invisible hand is controlling everything. Speaking of Magic, let me introduce you to your “Partner”, Avi Bat, professional entertainer and magician from the town of Ofra. 

Avi puts on special performances with content formulated for bar / bat mitzvas, community events, and family events for both adults and teenagers. In addition, he will be selling kits and online magic videos through the ecommerce site you are helping to subsidize. 

With your help, Avi will be able to turn this craft into a growing business bringing joy and curiosity to thousands. 
“Education is not an easy line of work and is sometimes downright very difficult.
Real happiness is in the satisfaction of making a lasting change in the life of another person. Theatre gives me the opportunity to stand in front of an audience of adults and teens, to inspire them and make them think.” – Avi Bat

Thank you again Israel and for taking part in the building and strengthening of Judea and Samaria though “Economic Zionism”.


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We are redefining the next generation of Zionism, or what we call “Economic Zionism”.

Bikurim is a vehicle of partnership between you, lover and supporter of Israel, and the family-run small business owners who are responsible for pumping the lifeblood throughout the region and into these communities. Through this partnership, we will generate strength, self-sustainability, and growth, effecting real and measurable change in both the short-term and for generations to come.